The "Feminité" Museum was founded in 2020 to pay tribute to the history, art and cultures of femininity and the people who feel part of this in St. Pauli and their emancipation movements. It gives femininity and the people who feel they belong to it, their history(s), artistic works, life testimonies and movement documents a place to live and remember.
For centuries, St.Pauli around the so called Hamburger Berg has been ticking differently: as a 'Great Freedom' (Große Freiheit is a street name here) for different religions and for people of all countries, as a permissive place for lust and joy, St.Pauli offers a place for the most diverse people and their dreams and hopes. It is only logical that social experiments are also tried out here: from squats to park fiction, from art communes to urban gardening: St.Pauli is used as an experimental field for social and artistic utopias.
St. Pauli is a place of sexual and gender emancipation. At the same time, the Reeperbahn is the symbol of the commercialization of lust, desire, the female body. Females here are both exploited objects and self-confident actors in the sex industry.
The neighborhood is the space of doers and inspirers of life concepts and social utopias, of fighters against the Nazis or political activists. Femininity in St. Pauli is simply different, automatically has a different meaning and is lived in a special way.
We provide the structures and practices of Feminité so that all people feel invited to become part of Feminité - as visitors, cooperation partners and creators. Our work is decidedly interdisciplinary, intersectional and knowledge-democratic. This means that all kinds of testimonies, histories of femininities are collected and all forms of knowledge - artistic, activist, practical or scientific - are considered valuable.
Aesthetic processes and artistic work have a special significance as a practice of uncertainty and utopia. The museum is a civil society project that is deeply rooted in the experiences of its makers. The multitude of different experiences and interests that are articulated in the museum are the basis for a collective space in which history is actively thought about and the future is shaped.